The RENATI DISC 34  Disc Harrow opens and breaks up the soil surface to help prepare the soil seedbed for planting. The forward gang has aggressive notched discs while the rear gang has a choice of notched or smooth discs to quickly break up and evenly redistribute the finely cultivated topsoil. The DISC 34 Disc Harrows have applications in homeowner landscaping, small nurseries, gardens, small hobby farms, wild game food plots, and medium-duty residential use.

Special Features:

  • Specially Designed Tampered Blades made of High Quality Steel.
  • Compact design and latest technology work Smoothly & Efficiently.
  • heavy Frame made of precise parameters
  • heavy brearing flanges
  • Weight balanced for better performance in rough and unequal land
  • saves time

R- Disc 34


Trailed Offset Disc Harrow (With Tyre)

  •  Heavy duty cast iron spools to provide centre weight.
  •  Optional wheels can be provided for easy transportation.
  •  It has a strong and sturdy main frame with Boron steel discs.
  •  RENATI Trailed Offset Disc Harrow” trails behind the tractor and because of heavy design and weight can effectively break up heavy clods.

Tyre Accessibility

The spare tyres are available for easy transportation of disc harrow.

  • Scrappers are provided so that stuck material can be automatically removed, this keeps the load on tractor in check and gives better fuel efficiency.
  • Ensures effective cutting and mixing of stubbles and weeds with better mixing of manure.



  • Effective for puddling due to better churning of soil and less slippage as compared to cultivator.
  • The accuracy of the harrow provides more efficiency and seek less maintainance
  • The Heavy bearing flanges are used to make it more powerful

Rigd body

front discs have notches to cut any residual weed coming into the passage

  • Available with different disc sizes to suit the HP of tractor.
  • Ensures effective cutting and mixing of stubbles and weeds with better mixing of manure.
  • Crushes the clods into fine particles i.e. better tilth as compared to standard cultivator.
  • Crushes the clods into fine particles i.e. better tilth as compared to standard cultivator
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